Fenlands Church

Fenlands Church

Sharing Jesus with the Fenlands in Tydd Gote & Thorney

Church in the Home Fenlands

Church in the Home

Acts 2:46b-47 "....and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts,  praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved. 

The earliest church had a pattern of not meeting in large buildings. The Jewish people who had turned to Jesus kept attending Synagogue and the Temple and also met in their homes. Eventually, as the church grew and spread among the nations of the world, they began to meet in homes. The local witness drew many to the Lord and their numbers increased. At Fenlands we have established 'church in the home' across Fenland. There, members of the fellowship meet for prayer and study and sharing the Gospel with their neighbours. If you would like to come along to one you would be most welcome.
For more information, please email fenlandschurch@gmail.com.