From Martin

Published: Oct 06,2024 06:41 PM

Christmas Light……..

I went into a Garden Centre recently. It was the 5th of October. I was astounded to find that the whole entrance was dedicated to Christmas!

There were various Fairy Lights bedecking everywhere. Imitation trees again bedecked with lights - even trees that were entirely a creation of lights from top to bottom. There of course were Santas of all descriptions. There was even a full-size plastic polar bear fishing in a hot-tub for fish. Elizabethan soldiers in their red uniforms, of all sizes stood to attention across the displays. Cuddly animated deer were found in beautiful scenic displays. No doubt many thought they were all wonderful. Lots of blazing lights but no mention of the true Light that had come into the world!

The Word of God speaks clearly:

 John 1:1-5 “ In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  He was in the beginning with God.  All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made.  In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”

All these lights that were on display, could never shine as bright as the beautiful Saviour who brought light into the darkness of men. The whole purpose of His coming was to die on a cross, so that mankind could be rescued from their sin. It is so important that in all our Christmas preparations we do not get blinded by the false light of the world and be bathed in the eternal light of the Lord Jesus.

I am not a great fan of Christmas, but I do appreciate it as a great time to share the truth of Jesus coming into the world. I also appreciate it, as it is a time that work and day-to-day activity is set aside. A time when families can get together in a way that is often not possible in busy lives.

However, we must also remember those for whom Christmas is a painful time. A time when there is empty chairs at the table and hearts empty of the presence of loved ones who have passed away. There are also those families where family divisions have occurred and again, there is pain around. Then we have those who are on their own, especially many senior citizens.

So, whilst we celebrate with Joy the Light coming into the world let us think of these dear people where pain is around. Let the Light of Jesus enlighten their darkness of sorrow. Perhaps you might even think of including them at your table.

I hope you have a wonderful joyous celebration of Jesus, the true Light who came into the world.

Matthew 2:10  “When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy.”