Fenlands Church

Fenlands Church

Sharing Jesus with the Fenlands in Tydd Gote & Thorney

Women's Fellowship Fenlands

Women's Fellowship

Acts 16:13  And on the Sabbath day we went outside the gate to the riverside,where we supposed there was a place of prayer,
and we sat down and spoke to the women who had come together. 

Many wonderful women are found throughout the Scriptures. Women, like Deborah,Esther, Mary Magdalene and Lydia. The latter is described as , "..from the city of Thyatira, a seller of purple goods, who was a worshiper of God."Lydia, was a Jewish lady and the group was probable a Jewish prayer group. Paul is invited back to her home and she recieved Jesus on the preaching of Paul and was baptised. Paul was accompanied by Timothy and Silas and they stayed at Lydia's home. Her hospitality allowed the men of God to carry on preaching in the city. The result was a riot, the three arrested, this led to a Philippian jailer being saved unto Jesus. After leaving prison, the team continued their mission. Isn't it wonderful what Godly women can do through prayer and hospitality, alongside the other many giftings imparted by the Holy Spirit.
The women's fellowship have breakfast every second Saturday at the church building. All women are welcomed to drop in. Breakfast starts at 9a.m.
Women can also join the Church Work Party, that meets on Monday mornings to tend to the church buildings and do some gardening. Also a great opportunity for fellowship.Often soup is vailable for a light lunch aftrewards.
For more information, please email fenlandschurch@gmail.com.